This week, in retrospect, has been one of the more monumental in my grandson's young life, and an interesting one for my daughter and me as well.
While my son and his family had to endure a stretch with no air conditioning in a South Texas heat wave, my grandson, Phenton, completed his first week of school. Pre-K, that is. What a momentous time it is to be cut loose from that first apron string. It is one of the joys of life to be able to live these times through the eyes of someone so young, and remember what we can of the time when we were there, too.
Grandparenting gives a perspective that is one step further removed in a way, but one permutation closer in another. Sometimes a parent, particularly a young one, will miss some of the significance, and may be unable to see as completely through the eyes of a young child, as can a grandparent, whose life experience has taught a great deal more. This is a wonderful time for a grandparent.