Thursday, September 15, 2011

What is this manna stuff, anyway?

While I did not attend that prestigious seat of learning, Wassa Manna U. (I went to a lesser school), I still have the right to call 'em as I see 'em.

My use of the word, manna, is perhaps questionable, But the way I use it will probably be acceptable to even (especially) my harshest critics. Manna from heaven is the usual phrase. But my manna is the same kind as found in expressions like "manna-faced liar," and "manna for brains." It reverberates with the same resonance as "No manna, Sherlock!" and "Can't tell manna from Shinola."

Manna! I could go on like this for …well, a couple of minutes, max, but the point is, my manna don't stink (up the joint, it is hoped). And while we are hoping, we should all hope that the manna doesn't hit the fan, at least not while the darned thing is pointed in our direction. Those oscillating fans can be pretty tricky when you deal with as much manna as I dish out.

So, anyway, this is the place (for the moment) where you can check out my manna. How heaven ever got into the equation is a mystery to me, but I am on the lookout for the culprit responsible, whoever he is. Any association of my manna and heavenly distributions is purely coincidental, and I apologize for the inconvenient association. And the time has come for me to start distributing some manna, or get off the pot.

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